The Strasbourg Conference on International Law & Human Rights
"The Role of International Law to Promote Sustainable Development, Youth Empowerment & Women's Rights"

Conference Speakers
Speakers and Delegates during the conference will include leading politicians and diplomats, senior academics and other dignitaries from around the world. These speakers will include a large number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board. To learn more about the ICD Advisory Board, please click here.The following are among the Speakers for the Symposium:
- Dr. Alina Malinowska
Researcher, Department of Human Rights, Marie Curie-Sklodowska University- Lublin, Poland - MEP Angelika Werthmann
Member of the European Parliament - MP Anna Wallén
Member of the Parliament of Sweden - Bozidar Jovanovic
Consul of Serbia in Strasbourg - Judge Boštjan Zupančič
Judge, the European Court of Human Rights - Judge Dmitry Dedov
Judge, European Court of Human Rights - Judge Dragoljub Popovic
Judge, European Court of Human Rights - MP Egidijus Vareikis,
Member of the Parliament of Lithuania - Rt. Hon Mr. Elfyn Llwyd
Member of the British Parliament - MP Fiona Mactaggart
Member of the British Parliament - MEP Sir Graham Watson
Member of European Parliament for the South West of England and Gibraltar; President, Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe - Grégory Thuan
Laywer, Cabinet Hincker & Associés - Judge Ineta Ziemele
Judge, Section President, European Court of Human Rights - MP Ján Figel
Vice President, National Council of the Slovak Republic - MEP Kristiina Ojuland
Member of the European Parliament - Ms. Lilja Gretarsdottir
Senior Adviser on Migration, Council of Europe - Ms. Liri Kopachi
Head of Equality Division, Council of Europe - Manuel Lezertua
Director of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe - Prof. Dr. Maurice Blanc
Professor of Sociology, University of Strasbourg - Dr. Mohammad H. Zarei
Assistant Professor of Public Law at Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Law, Tehran - MP Ögmundur Jónasson
Member of the Parliament of Iceland - Ms. Petya Nestorova
Executive Secretary of GRETA - Ms. Regína Jensdóttir
Head of the Children´s Rights Division of the Council of Europe - Prof. Dr. Romuald Normand
Professor of Sociology, University of Strasbourg - Prof. Dr. Scott Johns
Lecturer, Immigration Rights and Individual Rights, University of Denver - Ms. Sandra Vermuyten
Equality and Rights Officer of Public Services International - PSI - MEP Silvana Koch-Mehrin
Member of the European Parliament - MP Tynkkynen Oras
Member of the Parliament of Finland - MP Wayne David
Member of the British Parliament